You've spent $150 on shoes, $40 on running shorts, $25 on a running tank, $140 on an iPod, $12 on socks (one pair”seriously, socks are expensive!) and at least $200 on other running gear. And yet, despite all that shopping, spending, training and preparation, there are a few very small things that could easily become big, even huge, things that could wreck your race day.


If you've never experienced a humongous blister, consider yourself lucky. If you have, well, then you know they are awful. Painful and awful. Anything that rubs on your feet”the seam of your sock, a bump in your shoe”can cause blisters. The same can be said for a poor-fitting shoe. Blisters can be prevented by moistening your feet with Vaseline, choosing synthetic socks instead of cotton, doubling up on socks by wearing two pairs (so the friction happens between the socks instead of between the sock and the skin), and wearing properly fitting shoes and socks.

If you do get a huge blister, aka a nasty beast, experts, like those at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, say to drain it by puncturing it with a clean needle (rub the needle with an alcohol pad, before you poke the blister) and gently drain the liquid by gently pushing near the hole. Then, once all the fluid is released, cover the blister with a tight bandage or moleskin.


You may have heard the jokes about bandages over male nipples to prevent chafing ...but I assure you that if you've ever chafed, it's no laughing matter. Much like blisters, chafing is caused by friction. So, the solution is to remove the friction. Avoid cotton clothing and opt instead for synthetic fabric or lycra shorts. If you do end up with some chafing, applying petroleum jelly to the sensitive area will certainly help. For the nipples, a good tip is to apply a Dr. Scholl's product called “Corn Cushions.” These will offer good protection from friction and are easy to remove when your run is over.


The more you sweat, the more you need to drink. It's just that simple. Runner's World provides an excellent formula detailing how much you should drink: Basically, you should drink 1.5 times the amount of weight that you lose during your run. So, if you lost 3 pounds during a training run, you would need to drink about 4.5 pounds of fluid (4.5 pints) over the next several hours to be sure you are rehydrated.

We cannot put enough importance on staying hydrated. Your body needs water. Your body needs to stay hydrated to perform at its best. For more information on dehydration and other fitness tips, call The Wellness Center at EIRMC to speak with an exercise physiologist today!

The Grand Teton Relay is a wonderful, crazy, adventurous 180 miles”don't let the little things ruin your good time!

March 3, 2025 by Tayla Holman
What is chair yoga? It involves using a chair for poses and stretches. Learn about the physical and mental health benefits as well as how to ...
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