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tags: newsletter
tags: newborn screenings
tags: liquid burns , scalding burns , scalds
This virus is highly contagious and is particularly effective at causing a number of respiratory infections in infants 6 months old and younger...
tags: colds , flu , runny nose
tags: potty training , toilet training
tags: breastfeeding , breast milk , lactation consultant
tags: back to school , immunizations , vaccines
tags: allergic reactions , allergies , asthma , food allergies
tags: developmental milestones , pediatric therapist , toddler
tags: injury prevention , spring , summer
3 min Read Time
tags: pediatrics
tags: fever , sick baby , sick child , sick infant , sick kid , temperature
tags: cars , hot , kids , pediatrics
tags: health and wellness , newsletter , pediatrics , womens health
As life begins to return to normal, some kids may feel overwhelmed and overstimulated as they return to in-person learning.
As kids return to school this fall, it's important that parents educate them on behaviors to help keep themselves and their classmates safe...
tags: baby
tags: baby , newborn
tags: baby , crying
tags: baby , sids
tags: baby , fatherhood
Learn more about the importance of staying on top of annual pediatric wellness exams—including preventing illness, tracking growth and...
tags: annual wellness exam , newsletter , safety precautions , screenings
tags: kids online safety , online safety
Should your child go to their doctor’s appointment? Here’s what you need to know about caring for your child during the coronavirus pandemic...
tags: covid-19 , covid-19-blog
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, including children. If your child is causing disruptions or behaving poorly at home, ...
They may not show it or articulate it in the same way as adults, but children are also experiencing stress and anxiety during the coronavirus...
Everyone is talking about coronavirus, and your child may be listening. Here's why you should be the one to talk to your child about COVID...
Phthalates are in hundreds of consumer goods and can make their way into your body. Here's what you need to know.
tags: food-and-beverage , health-effects , household-items , newsletter , pregnancy
Childhood bullying occurs during a critical stage of development. Here's what to look out for and how to help prevent lasting damage.
tags: depression , health-effects , newsletter , ptsd , trauma
tags: homeaid , homeaid-school-support , homeschool , jessica poe , mountainstar childrens , school support
tags: covid school shut down , homeaid - school support , homeaid-school-support , home-school , jessica poe , work at home , working parents at home
tags: covid-19 , covid-19 - schools closed , homeaid-school-support , homeschool
tags: at home school schedule , covid-19 - schools closed , homeaid-school-support , homeschool , homeschool schedule , jessica poe , mountainstar childrens services , working parents