Health has been at the forefront of our minds lately. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, we are constantly hearing about the importance of handwashing, covering coughs, social isolation, and taking care of our mental health. Public health challenges of this scale remind us how we can stay safe in times of mass sickness, yet practicing daily healthy habits benefit us regardless of the current climate. This World Health Day, consider how you and your community can stay healthy throughout the year.

1. Physical Health

Drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and get more exercise. This classic trifecta permeates throughout almost all of the health advice we receive when it comes to our physical health. Yet, going for walks outside, eating food that comes from the Earth instead of a box, and skipping the soda can really make an impact on how you feel, think, age, and interact with others. Try implementing some of the classics into your routine to work towards a healthier lifestyle.

2. Public Health

When we work with our communities to create a healthier world, the impact is unstoppable. Volunteer to deliver meals to homebound older adults, be conscious of sneezing and coughing around others, and wash your hands regularly. Pick up trash and liter, recycle old boxes, and donate to local parks. The bounds of ways you can positively impact public health are limitless.

3. Mental Health

Pausing to reflect on the importance of your mental wellbeing can positively affect you in every facet of life. Every day write down five things that you are thankful for in a gratitude journal. Be vulnerable with family and friends when you’re feeling overwhelmed or sad. Put down your phone and go for a walk outside without distractions. Listen to music. Connecting with yourself, others, and the environment around you can center and focus your emotions.

4. Global Health

The health of our Earth contributes to our physical, public, and mental health in invaluable ways. Be conscious of waste, walk when you can, and use a refillable water bottle. Save a spider instead of killing it. Eat less meat and dairy products. Be thankful for the environmental resources around you, such as local parks or lakes, and work to conserve them. Small changes like these can have a big impact when we all work together.

This World Health Day, work with your family and community to institute some healthy habits into your routine. Your body, mind, community, and planet will thank you!

March 3, 2025 by Tayla Holman
What is chair yoga? It involves using a chair for poses and stretches. Learn about the physical and mental health benefits as well as how to ...
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