Yes, it is safe to get pregnant right now! And EIRMC is doing everything in our power to not only make sure you and your baby are safe, but that you have the pregnancy and birthing experience you have always dreamed of!

If you're thinking about getting pregnant right, go right ahead and keep trying. Rest assured that now is a safe time.

However, there are some practical advice for those who are pregnant or considering having a baby during the pandemic.

Make sure you are doing the little things that make such a huge difference, like washing your hands frequently, using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wearing a mask when away from your home, and staying away from big gatherings and being around sick people.

If you think you have symptoms of COVID-19, contact your OBGYN to make a game plan so we can help make sure you and your baby are safe. The great news is, so far there is no evidence of COVID-19 being passed through breast milk or the mother's placenta during delivery.

If you are currently pregnant, here are even more safety precautions you can follow:

  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to others.
  • Be sure to wear your mask in public and keep a social distance of six feet.
  • If you are at high risk for any reason, such as diabetes or hypertension, or in are in your third trimester, it's best to stay home whenever possible and enlist someone else to run those errands for you.

Most importantly, enjoy this special time in your life!

At EIRMC, we're dedicated to the care and improvement of human life. We can get through this together!

For questions about getting pregnant or questions about your pregnancy, our Consult A Nurse line is available 24/7 at (208) 227-2778.

March 3, 2025 by Tayla Holman
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