We have been diligent in keeping our patients safe throughout the fight against COVID-19, and our thoughtful and deliberate protection measures have been key to quickly resuming many healthcare services. It is encouraging to see many of our patients proceeding with confidence in rescheduling important appointments and procedures that were temporarily postponed. But there is much more work ahead to help give people access to the care they need.

Concern for those who are not seeking care

Healthcare providers across the country have seen an alarming decrease in the number of patients seeking care for specific conditions that require immediate emergency care, such as acute coronary syndromes, acute appendicitis, aortic aneurysm and atrial fibrillation. Timely intervention is critical to help treat patients in emergencies, and not acting quickly on common emergency symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath can result in dire consequences.

Even beyond medical emergencies, simply missing or delaying routine checkups and screenings could lead to declining health. This trend is especially dangerous for certain high-risk patients, those who may need help managing chronic conditions and other vulnerable populations.

Has your health coverage been impacted?

The financial impact of the pandemic may be contributing to hesitation in seeking care for many, especially for those who have lost their job or are experiencing reduced income. We understand that navigating the vast landscape of health insurance without guidance can be confusing and time-consuming.

That is why we created a free resource to help our patients navigate some of these challenges. We now offer free, personalized guidance on health coverage options from our experienced, in-house advisors.

Personalized guidance on health coverage options

After calling our dedicated phone line and answering some initial screening prompts, you will be routed to one of our specialists. This experienced advisor will ask questions, listen to you, and talk through your options for health coverage. Your advisor will help work up potential coverage options specific to your personal situation, in complete confidence.

Common questions you may have that our advisors can guide you through:

  • What do I do about health insurance after losing my job (or another life-changing event)?
  • How long do I have to make a decision about whether to continue my employer-provided insurance plan under COBRA?
  • What are the criteria for Medicaid and any other government healthcare?
  • How can I enroll in state and federal health insurance exchanges (such as the Affordable Care Act)?
  • Should I switch or continue my job-based health plan after losing my job?
  • Can I get insurance outside of open enrollment periods?
  • How do I apply for health insurance as an individual or via my spouse’s benefits?
  • How does each insurance type work (what does it cover)?
  • How long can I stay on each insurance type (how long does coverage last)?
  • How much does each insurance type cost, what resources are available to help offset the costs?

We are ready to help

We have helped connect many people who have recently lost their job or been furloughed with coverage options.

If you or someone you know could benefit from insurance coverage option assistance, please call (833) 541-5757, 8:00am to 6:00pm ET, Monday through Friday.
  • We are not representing any other company or selling insurance plans—our goal is simply to help you get the information you need so you can confidently manage your health needs.
  • There is no cost for this service.
  • Anyone who may benefit from this service is welcome to call.

And please remember, your healthcare needs—especially any emergency-related symptoms—should not be ignored. No health need is too great or too small for us.

We are committed to protecting the health and safety of the patients we so proudly serve, today and every day. Thank you for trusting us with your care.

March 3, 2025 by Tayla Holman
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