Having a baby is a little like going on a vacation. Come again? Just to clarify, we did not claim that having a baby is a vacation; the process of preparing for a trip and preparing for delivery are very similar. Let us explain.

  • Plan your destination: Become familiar with the hospital where you are delivering by visiting their web page and blog. Also, take the opportunity to tour your local hospital. The amenities offered at the Women's and Infants Center at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center are worthy of a spa-like hotel suite rather than a labor and delivery room. You can call 529-7157 anytime or watch our online tour.
  • Plan your travel arrangements: Driving and timing your route to the hospital ahead of time will eliminate stress when it's time for the real thing. But, be sure to factor in that the time of day will affect your route.
  • Pack for your trip: During your stay in the hospital you may want warm socks, a robe, nursing bras, loose fitting underwear and pajamas. Pack your bag ahead of time and don't forget the last minute items to throw in toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, contacts, glasses, make-up.
  • Schedule baby or pet sitters: If this is not your first baby experience, you might have other little ones at home. Before the big day, arrange for someone to be with your children or even pets while you are gone.
  • Plan your itinerary: You probably already have an idea of how you would like your delivery journey to go. Talk with your doctor to make sure you are both on the same page when it comes to use of pain medication or other birthing techniques.
  • Prepare for your return trip: Make sure you have bought the car seat and the most important part you have installed it. You don't want to be wrestling with the car seat when you are ready to bring baby home.
  • Plan for your recovery:  Make sure to ask your nurses what to expect in the days following delivery as far as physical changes. Some good supplies to have on hand for when you return home include diapers, wipes and ointments for baby. Items for Mom include plenty of feminine supplies, gauze pads, witch hazel and ice packs. You will also need to eat well to aid your recovery so make and freeze meals ahead of time and stock your cupboards with healthy snacks."

We are here to help you on your newest adventure. Preparing ahead of time for the birth of your baby will help you have a much smoother journey during and after the exciting day.