Sponsored by Air Idaho Rescue

Saturday, March 1
Taylorview Middle School
350 Castlerock Lane, Idaho Falls


Registration is now closed.

If you wish to attend, but have not yet registered, please come to the event anyways. We will register you on-site as a "walk in" and assign breakouts based on availability.

Keynote speakers:
  • Compassion Fatigue- Building Resilience- BJ Merry, M.Ed., NRP, Sublette County EMS Director
  • Vision, Aphasia, Neglect (VAN) and Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) – Dr. William Hills
  • Neurosurgical Management of Trauma Schlauderaff – Dr. Abe Schlauderaff
  • Suicide in Idaho: Facts and Fictions – Dr. Matthew Larsen
  • Trauma Run Review – Dr. Michael Lemon

Breakout sessions

  1. Splinting Techniques for Traumatic Injuries- Johnny Hayden, CCRN, CFRN,CEN

    Hands-on splinting skills station.

  2. Inbound Helicopters and Helipad Safety - Shaun Powell, Air 1 Lead Pilot

    Discussion on communication, helipad safety and general operations around helicopters.

  3. The Airway: Back to Basics and Why- Tyler Jensen, , Paramedic FP-C; Air Methods

    Manage their airway as if they were doing your job. Emphasis on positioning, basic management, and the end goal of oxygenation.

  4. Brain Matters: Stroke Signs & GCS in Action- Mackenzie Perren, RN; ER Clinical Educator

    We’ll explore the critical signs of stroke and how to quickly recognize them in the field. Discussion of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and how to accurately assess neurological status to make informed decisions in time-sensitive situations.

  5. Strangulation Response- Chantel Mower, RN,SANE-A, SANE-P and Amanda Cook, RN, SANE

    Response to strangulation involving intimate partners or sexual assault survivors

  6. Pediatric Endocrine Emergencies- Dr. Joshua Smith; Pediatric Endocrinologist

    Dr. Smith educates on “in the field” response for children experiencing endocrine-related emergencies.

  7. Restarting a Clogged Heart- Lisal Drollinger, RN; EIRMC Cardiac Team

    Case studies involving cardiac arrest and STEMI.

  8. Respiratory Distress in Children- EIRMC Pediatrics Team

    Learn the signs of respiratory distress in kids and how "in the field" response

  9. Recognizing Signs of Non-Accidental Pediatric Trauma –Jamee Talamantez, RN; EIRMC ER

    Learn more about how to accurately identify signs of abuse in children.

  10. A Perfect Storm (of Good Things). - Sheandi Richins, RN; EIRMC Pediatric Trauma Manager

    A case review of when trauma coordination goes well.

  11. Pregnancy Changes Everything - EIRMC Women’s Services Dept.

    Learn about changes during pregnancy and why it matters. Quick assessment of labor, and discussion of next steps after delivery- what you need to know for “in the field” management.

  12. Navigating Scene Dynamics and Microaggressions in EMS- Chief Jon Perry, Idaho Falls Fire Department

    Developing emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills in order to better manage patient care during emotionally-charged situation.


Time Event
7:00am – 8:00am Registration and education fair
8:00am Welcome address
8:15am – 9:00am Keynote 1
9:00am – 9:45am Keynote 2
9:45am – 10:15am Morning break/snacks, education fair
10:15am – 10:45am Break-out session 1
10:50am – 11:20amb Break-out session 2
11:30am – 12:15pm Keynote 3
12:15pm – 1:00pm Free Lunch; education fair
1:10pm – 1:40pm Break-out session 3
1:45pm – 2:15pm Break-out session 4
2:15pm – 2:30pm Afternoon break/snacks
2:15pm – 3:15pm Keynote 4
3:15pm – 4:00pm Keynote 5