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HCA Healthcare named a 2021 World's Most Ethical Company

Idaho Falls, ID - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, an affiliate of HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA), one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers, today announced that it has been recognized for the 11th time by Ethisphere, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, as one of the 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies. HCA Healthcare, comprising more than 2,000 sites of care including 185 hospitals across 20 states, is one of only seven honorees in the Healthcare Providers category.

This recognition reflects EIRMC’s commitment to ethical business practices as a foundation to strong healthcare. Jeff Sollis, CEO, says, “We have a values system called I am EIRMC that personifies the culture at our hospital. I am EIRMC means we have responsibility to do what is right for our patients, their loved ones, our colleagues, and our community.”

The COVID-19 pandemic was at the forefront of 2020 and HCA Healthcare responded by protecting its colleagues and patients, and by partnering with others to improve care beyond the organization. HCA Healthcare has not laid-off a single employee due to the pandemic, and in April, it instituted a pandemic pay program, which allowed the organization to continue to pay more than 127,000 colleagues, even when their hours were affected by the significant decrease in patients visiting hospitals across the country. Additionally, as part of HCA Healthcare, EIRMC does not bill patients who are diagnosed with COVID-19, whether they have insurance or not, for testing or hospital care related to the treatment of COVID-19.

As a learning health system, HCA Healthcare analyzes data from its approximately 35 million patient encounters each year to develop best practices that improve patient care. To help combat COVID-19, the health system teamed up with Google and SADA on a data portal to help communities prepare and respond to COVID-19, offered more than $1 million to local community partners to aid in coronavirus relief efforts and participated in the White House collaborative to provide up to 1,000 ventilators to other health systems.

EIRMC has a long history of investing in Idaho Falls and southeast Idaho. In 2019, EIRMC provided charity care, uninsured discounts and other uncompensated care totaling $96.6 million.

As part of its sustainability plan, EIRMC protects and preserves the environment inside and outside of its facilities by encouraging the reduction of energy usage throughout its facilities and considering the environment in all new construction and renovation projects.

Recognition by Ethisphere is affirmation of HCA Healthcare’s commitment to fostering a culture of diversity and a foundation of inclusion, compassion and respect. HCA Healthcare continues to deliver on this promise exemplified in recent diversity and inclusion efforts, including its award-winning BRAVE Conversations program, which provides colleagues an opportunity to discuss complex topics in a safe and respectful setting. HCA Healthcare also announced a $10 million investment over the next three years in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HCBUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).

Additionally, in response to a heightened focus on racial injustice, HCA Healthcare instituted a provisional social justice match, which supported gifts from colleagues to organizations and nonprofits supporting racial justice and addressing health equity for communities of color. In total, HCA Healthcare and its colleagues helped make an impact of $227,364 across 21 total organizations from June 5 to July 31, 2020.

“While addressing the tough challenges of 2020, HCA Healthcare led through resilience and a commitment to ethics and integrity,” said Ethisphere CEO, Timothy Erblich. “The World’s Most Ethical Companies honorees continue to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to the highest values and positively impacting the communities they serve. Congratulations to everyone at HCA Healthcare for earning the World’s Most Ethical Companies designation.”

In 2021, Ethisphere recognized 135 honorees spanning 22 countries and 47 industries. Here is the full list of the 2021 World's Most Ethical Companies.